PAWS Foster Application

Apply here to foster dogs, cats, or both! After applying, you will receive a follow-up call in the next 3-5 days. A copy of your form will be sent to your inbox, along with information about how the application and adoption processes work. This email might end up in your spam folder.

Please enter correctly as this is the main way we will contact you
Please use the following format 248-555-1212

Please list the name, age, relationship, and phone number or email of others who live in your home.
Name Relationship Age Phone or Email

Please list the species (or breed if known), age, and gender of the pets you have owned in the past five years.
Name Species or Breed Age Time Owned If Deceased, Year Passed

Please list the relationship, age, and frequency of any visiting children.
Relationship to You Age Frequency

Please list the breed, age, gender, and frequency of any visiting pets. If you have roommate(s) with pets, please list them here.
Breed Age Gender Frequency Roommate's Pet?

Please provide three non-family references and their phone number and email address:
Name Phone Number Email Address Time Known

Tell Us About Your Home
If you do not rent, please put "N/A"

Tell Us About Your Previous/Current Pets
Vaccinations typically include Rabies, DHPP, and Bordetella. Your vet might recommend additional vaccines.
If you have never owned a pet, please tell us where you plan to go for vetting.
Please call your vet to release records to a Centre County PAWS Representative in the next 24 hours.

Tell Us About Your PAWS Fostering Preference

Tells Us About this PAWS Foster's Future Life with You

Complete Application
Please sign with your mouse or finger if you have a touch-screen.

Want to make sure your application gets processed as quickly as possible? Here are a few options:
1. If your vet requires permission to talk to about your records, please call them and give them a heads up we may be contacting them!
2. If you keep paper copies of vet records, email them to
3. You can also email us your pet agreement with your landlord!

Please Note: Your application was successfully submitted if you are redirected to our PAWS Foster Confirmation page after clicking submit. Please add to your email contacts to make sure you receive updates regarding your application status.